“We are committed to providing consumer information on label and online on consumer facing products sold in Europe,” says Cybelle Buyck, our Director for Corporate Affairs in Europe.We believe, as the world’s leading brewer, that we have a responsibility to encourage consumers to enjoy our beers in a smart way. As part of our Smart Drinking Goals, aimed at shifting harmful drinking behaviours, we want to help consumers understand why and how alcohol should be consumed within limits.
Our actions are welcomed by the European Commission. Speaking at the annual general assembly of The Brewers of Europe, Commissioner Andriukaitis said “I welcome the commitment of the Brewers of Europe to provide the full list of ingredients and the calorie content on all pre-packed beers. This will help the people in the EU to make better informed and, I hope, healthier choices. Transparency has been one of the trendiest words in the food and drink industry in recent years – a clear illustration that it is important to consumers. Therefore, I call upon the whole beer industry to implement the commitment to meet consumer expectations.”
Implementing Consumer information on beers sold in Europe is part of our ambition to empower consumers to make smart drinking decisions. We want to increase consumers’ knowledge about our beers’ ingredients and nutritional values. And we commit to providing them the clear and complete information they need to make smart choices. But we won’t stop there. e intend to go above and beyond the minimum information requirements of local laws in most cases and place a guidance label on all of our beer products in all of our markets by the end of 2020.
Our commitment in Europe is part of parallel commitments by other major leading brewers across Europe under the umbrella of The Brewers of Europe. Our performance on this commitment will be subjected to external independent auditing. We have achieved almost 90% compliance to date on our beers sold in EU and next year will certainly be over 90% achievement.