AB InBev set a voluntary 2025 Circular Packaging Goal that 100% of its packaging would be returnable or have a majority recycled content by 2025. AB InBev’s Circular Packaging Goal is important to support its efforts to address the impacts of climate change. The Life Straw project aimed at enabling these transformations at an accelerated pace on fiber-based packaging.
It was key that current conventional manufacturing approaches were reviewed for potential evolutions in sustainable and future-proof technologies utilizing existing and alternative fibers. The main objective of Life Straw was to demonstrate and validate new technologies and materials allowing the production of high-quality paper labels and folding cartons using a lower amount of virgin wood fibers.
Unfortunately, due to a technical re-scoping, AB InBev required more time to develop the solution, and overcome supply chain hurdles. AB InBev also needed to re-assess the economic viability of the project. On top, the volumes of packaging to be converted with a lower carbon footprint by using alternative fibers that needed to be completed in 3 to 5 years after the start of the original timeline, were substantially reduced due to the expected delays in overcoming the technical and supply chain issues. Due to the significant impact on the rollout schedule, the project was terminated early.
AB InBev will continue to work toward the goal of reducing the carbon footprint of its paper products.